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Monday, August 7, 2017

my version of self love 

Once upon a time, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. But most of you reading, already knew that. What I'm here to write about tonight, is how I take care of myself on those days when the storms outside don't even compare with the ones inside. (#dramaticmuch)
The "storms" I reference are the volley of words I throw at myself, about myself, and to myself. 
"Nobody likes you." 
"You're fat." 
"Why do you make so many mistakes?"                                                          "You suck at your job." 
"You are a failure." 
"Look at that double chin." 
"I can't believe you just watched Netflix for 8 hours straight." 

"You will never succeed at anything."
My therapist had me write down all the negative things I tell myself one day, and then said: 
"Would you say these things to someone you really loved?" 
NO. I wouldn't. 
B/c that would make he or she cry. And the last thing I E.V.E.R. want to do is make someone else feel sad. I feel like my goal in life, is to make everyone else happy and, for the most part, I really love my life calling! But sometimes, I forget....

So here is a list of things that I do when I feel the storms brew and the negative words start to form: 
Take a bath with a fancy bath bomb
Eat Halo Top (#addicted) 
Watch whatever the heck I want on Netflix (right now I'm currently binging Pretty Little Liars)
Go for a walk/run OUTSIDE (#vitaminD)
Pray // Pray // Pray
Read a book of my choosing -- NO textbooks allowed
Water my plants -- this might sound crazy but it really helps me to feel like I am succeeding 
and of course....blogging 

What do you do to destress-ify your life and take care of yourself? 

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