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Sunday, March 3, 2019

self love challenge results

hi friends. 

how did your february go? can you believe it's already march? i can't. currently i'm sitting on my couch, watching a movie with my family and feeling just so overwhelmingly blessed. i have a great family, supportive friends, and the whole world to explore. 


life isn't always adventures and bubble baths when you're single. it's learning to love yourself and take care of yourself without needing a partner. 

that's what february brought for me. 

when i was going through my divorce i felt very unworthy of love. i was unsure of who i was. 

i couldn't deny the feelings. they weighed on me, gnawed at me, and brought me to a really dark place. 2019 came around and i decided it was time to take myself on a date. it was time to love myself. 

that's what my self love challenge did for me. i realized that i am worthy of love, i have interests, and i don't need validation from any outside source to make myself feel loved. 

so guess what. 

you don't need any outside source to feel loved either. 

divorced, married, single, it's complicated, who cares. you are the only one who can make you happy. no one else can. 

during self love february, i learned how to take care of myself. and not just in the normal "treat yo' self" way. i learned to go to bed at a normal hour, to eat healthy, to drink water, that kind of thing. i learned that self love isn't just bubble baths and chocolate. 

i hope you, wherever you are, learn to love yourself. even if it just starts with "i accept myself." 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

self love challenge

valentine's day.


ok not really, i do love love, but it's a holiday that can be hard for a lot of single people (and some married people i might add)

i have had my fair share of "i am unworthy of love" moments these last few months. there have been plenty of times where i've forgotten to love myself.

i realized that i can't expect anyone to love me if i don't love me.

so i've kind of started "dating myself" and things are going pretty well! 

part of dating myself is learning to get to know me, my likes, my dislikes, what i am proud of myself for etc. i think whether you are married or not, you can learn this. 

hence why in february i am initiating a "self love challenge" 

this challenge is meant to really let you think about what you are good at, what you love about yourself, and remind you of WHY YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE.

the challenge is simple. 

each day fill in the blank and then post a picture of it with the #myselflovechallenge2019.

there are some questions that are easy and others that will make you think. 

my goal is to help other people around me feel good about themselves and be reminded of how amazing they are. we have to be our own cheerleaders sometimes. 

at the end of the month, each post you do will be an entry into a drawing for an Amazon gift card for you to spend on WHATEVER you want. Seriously. #treatyoself

i encourage everyone to do it and encourage your friends to do it! let's spread some love this valentine's month. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

one step more

this past week i had the opportunity to go on a cruise on my family (more on that later). one of our shore excursions was a zip line in mexico at the las canadas campground. i have always wanted to go on a zip line and mexico felt like the perfect time to do it.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

light your faith: week 4

i missed blogging last week,  but i don't think it was the end of the world.


i have been working on being more patient with myself and that included not getting frustrated when i didn't get everything done i THOUGHT i needed to (more on this later).

it's the final week of the #LightTheWorld campaign and this week the focus is on you. 

in matthew 25: 1-13, christ explains how we are to light our hearts in preparation for his second coming.

we know the story of the virgins, some were wise, some were foolish. the wise ones brought what oil they needed to last through the night. nobody knew when the bridegroom would come. the foolish learned that preparation was needed.

how are we sometimes like the foolish virgins?

how are we sometimes like the wise virgins?

this week, we are to focus on our own faith and how we are going to prepare our hearts.

maybe for you it's go to church, maybe it's pray more. others might want to make a concerted effort to refrain from gossip or harsh words.

whatever it may be, please consider how you can strengthen yourself spiritually.

the world is growing ever more wicked. i do not need to go into an explanation on that. with all the confusion it can be hard to keep our focus on the prince of peace.

but i promise that as you keep your focus on christ, everything else will fall into place.